Inspired to take Photos !!!!!

Posted by Sandeep Kulkarni | 7:13 AM | | 0 comments »

Through this post, I want to tell the name of the person who, inspired me the most to buy a digital cam and take photos. The truth is out, its none other than " Otto Frank ". Father of Anne Frank. (Recollect -> from the Diary of Anne Frank)

After reading the book " The Diary of a Young Girl " by Anne Frank, I became more and more inquisitive, to know about the Frank family. I started searching on the internet about who betrayed the Frank family, how were the members of the Annexe were arrested, where they were sent to after arrest.

It is through here that, I came to know that, Otto Frank, Anne's father, was very much interested in photography. I learnt that in the 1940's itself he had a good quality camera and took lots of snaps, which told the world lots of stories. Hence I thought, lemme give it a try and to be honest, it just worked wonders. Not only did I take 130+ pics, but it made the event even more memorable, an event close to my heart.

Thanks Otto Frank !!!!!
[The event I am speaking here is my cousin's marriage at Dharwad]