Switching ends !!!

Posted by Sandeep Kulkarni | 8:33 AM | | 0 comments »

Funny post, no meaning though, but after all its MY BLOG baby !!!!.

Well for the first 15 years of my life, I resided at Malleshwaram. Then on I moved to Bangalore South.

My cousin resided for many years at Jayanagar 9th Block . Now he has moved to Nelamangala since .

This time around, when I visited my cousin's place (on the occasion of house warming ceremony of his new house), I decided to have a casual chat about how he travels to his work place and how I travel to my workplace. The thing which came to light was quite surprising.

He started telling me about my house which I resided in Malleshwaram and I started telling about the house in which he resided in Jayanagar.

Guess what, incidentally he travels to his workplace everyday passing by my house @ Malleshwaram and I travel to my workplace everyday, passing his house @ Jayanagar 9th block.

Aint that supercoooool !!!!!