Dollar Bahu

Posted by Sandeep Kulkarni | 6:57 AM | 0 comments »

One of my TODO s for the year 2009 include read as many books as possible. Technical books, I do read, but I am especially particular about fiction, autobiography, travelogues and books like these.

I think during the year 2008, I started to read a lot of unwanted books (mostly non technical). In the middle or the last part, of some of the books , I totally lost interest in the book. I do not know why. But somehow, it all went wayward.

Now in the last month of the year, I thought let me read a bit more. And all of a sudden I found two new books within my reach.

They were.
1. Dollar Bahu by Sudha Murthy
2. Nandan Nilekani 's book

I thought, lemme read one first. So went ahead and read Dollar Bahu.

Now I am thinking of reading one more book before 2009. Let me see, how it goes.
