Few years before, there was a song which I loved. The song was " Check the meaning " by a band called " The Verve ". Awesome song indeed. A perfection in itself... But what s the song got to do with this post..

Here s the story...

Well, today I was in a scenario where in, I was caught actually in a wrong mood, wrong foot, wrong tone [that is what my team mates / colleagues said].

I was actually on my own, blabbering stuffs (in a meeting) , which I was not sure about, expecting something which would actually may or may not happen. In other words, I did not check the meaning before making sentences. What was the outcome ??

The outcome was that the meeting was infact nothing, as the direction of the meeting went wayward. And many of my friends were quite unpleased with the turn of events. Infact, they were strongly opposing my point of view. Morever they were not impressed, coz of the time wasted by making my bullshit point of view clear...

Actually, once in a while, I do really lose control of what I am speaking and become very demanding.. Saying "I want this, I want that"... But I often forget the point that, the world is really really not the way I want. I need to behave in the way the world is and will be.

Going ahead I need to make sure, I need to be very careful about meetings. One wrong line or one wrong quote, the whole focus drifts, turning the outcome of the meeting to be inconclusive or rather leaving many attendants angry.

Somewhere I read that 90% of all the meeting are just waste of time. After attending many meetings over a period of many years, I could well agree with the above mentioned thing.

What say
