Get over it.. !!!!!!

Posted by Sandeep Kulkarni | 8:06 AM | 0 comments »

I am listening to this super song by Eagles, " Get over it ". I just remembered something to blog about. After working for 4 years in Indian IT industry, I just found out, there seems to be a single career band when it comes to software. Thats the managerial band.

I somehow feel, as we put in more and more years in the Indian IT Industry, there seems to be a technical stream which tends to vanish. I feel we all end up on the same boat, being a manager, booking conference rooms, attending meetings, approving timesheets.

Its not just the recession which is playing a hard ball. But even the thought of career growth seems to be making some people sick. Don't want to mention who though..

This scenario ideally happens since there are no new development projects which are being undertaken, be it recession or not. But there seems to be whole new technologies coming out.

Enthusiasts are waiting to rope in new technology. But there seems to be a lack of projects where we can make use of this technology.

This definitely tends to frustration. So just wanna say... Get over it.. :)

PS: I had recieved a mail about an article written by an ex IT Company employee which clearly mentions about the kind of projects being undertaken in many companies.