Stuck in the moment

Posted by Sandeep Kulkarni | 10:42 AM | 0 comments »

Its been quite a tiring week for me. I had loads of work to do. Lots of things had to be set right. But the sad part is, the whole thing is not done yet. It shall go deep into the weekend. Tomorrow I have to give my car for first service.

Its night 12:30 am and I am awake commenting on the Big Boss Season#3, blog, praising Vindu Dara Singh. I wish he wins.

Tomorrow is our company Annual Day. I had a very funny incident when it comes to Annual Day. The year was 1998. I was in 10th Standard. We had Annual day. As usual, I bunked the school's annual day. Unfortunately we had an attendance sheet that day and the whole absentees had been tracked out.

And can you guess the outcome. Yes, I was SUSPENDED from school, for a day, for not attending Annual Day.

I still do not attend Annual day functions. These days, they are not mandatory anymore.

Yes, gone are the golden days of schooling.
